Square One Welcome!

"It All Starts At Square One"

Life is a journey that is filled with many twists and turns. Regardless of where you have been or how long you have been there, we know that God's word is a lamp to our feet and a light that will guide our paths (Psalms 119:105). Often times it is best to start at Square One. By trusting in the Lord and not leaning on our own understanding, God will direct us in the way that we should go (Proverbs 3:5-6). 

Are you new to HC or have you been here for a while but can't quite figure out how to get connected - class, ministry, leadership roles? Regardless of your situation Square One Registration is the first step to getting involved and planted at HC!

With the completion of the form below, an administrative leader will reach out to you to address your interests, questions, or to provide you with additional information.

Square One is your first step to becoming planted at HC! 

  • Membership into Harvest Church is a separate process - Even membership begins with Square One!